Regular Teleconference
Attending: Chris M, Chris W, Zhen, Mohamad, Lukas, Porter, Eric, Daniel
- Workshop debrief: events were good but did not reach the target demographics; should write a debrief report documenting experiences and lessons learned. Can continue running these workshops and improve on advertising to target groups throughout the year.
- IWBDA plans: Chris W will present in Paris; Mohamad will complete revisions of abstract. Mohamad will give a slide presentation on Sept 14.
- ACS paper: Mohamad summarized notes from the workshop session. Need to develop revision and response document addressing reviewer's items; need to incorporate some positivity in our response, e.g. that the importance sampling result could be considered a lower bound. Need to follow up with Payton about the simple chemical reaction network example.
- Also discussed plans for benchmarking database.