This repository contains all the assignments for ECE 3700. It is updated periodically.

File list (root directory):


Assignments in the file tree below are updated periodically. You should sync new updates by running these commands from within this directory in the terminal:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

Assignment Listing

The first assignment group is designed to teach Verilog syntax for Register Transfer Level (RTL) design. You should plan to complete approximately one assignment per weekday. Some will go faster than others; if you complete an assignment in under one hour, you should continue working on the next assignment. For most students, the pace will slow in the the rtl_assignments group as the tasks become more complex. On average, you should plan about 1.5 weekdays per assignment in the rtl group.

How many hours per day? Most students complete simple assignments within an hour, and more complex RTL assignments can vary widely since there are more opportunities to get stuck. Usually students can be successful when devoting at least one hour per day, each day to these assignments. If you get stuck, it is crucial to seek help quickly and often, and if you fall behind, put in extra time if possible to keep on schedule. The course will be much more valuable if you keep up with the assignments so that you can understand the lectures.