Important: this tutorial requires git
version 2.25.0 or higher. To check your version, open a terminal window
and run
git --version
If the version is earlier than 2.25.0, then you need to install a
more recent release of git
In this course you will receive assignments and submit work using a git repository.
Your personal repository is a fork of the assignments developed for this course. You may clone your personal fork onto your own computer, or onto one of the available remote-access servers, or both. As you complete assignments, you will push (synchronize) your edits from your clone to your fork. The instructor can access your fork and provide direct assistance by editing files in your fork repository. To retrieve edits from the instructor, you pull changes from your fork to your local clone.
The original published assignments are referred to as the upstream repository. Occasionally the instructor will make corrections or additions to the upstream repository. You can fetch and merge those changes to keep your fork and clone up-to-date with the instructor. The upstream repository can contain multiple versions; the working version is called the main branch.
Review of terms:
serverThis lab-focused course is designed so that all assignments can be completed using a terminal program (i.e. text command interface). Using the terminal, a student can open a remote connection to a server in the ECE department. This setup allows students to complete the assigned work using any computer with a terminal program – Linux, Windows, or even a ChromeBook. Since a terminal is text-based, a high-speed internet connection is not necessarily required.
The required Xilinx/AMD software tools are pre-configured on the
server. Each assignment uses a Makefile
to control the
software tools from within the terminal. Using this procedure, all
simulations, synthesis, implementation, and bitstream generation steps
are run on the high-powered server rather than on your personal
Some students may have high-powered personal computers and prefer to
run builds on their own hardware. This is possible but requires
obtaining and installing the (free) Vivado software on your own. You
will also need an appropriate development setup with a terminal and the
There are several ways to approach the laboratory tasks in this
course. The main options are listed below. You can use any of these
options at any time, or you can mix different strategies based on what’s
most appropriate for your own needs and circumstances. With any of these
options, the main thing is that you use git
to keep
your files synchronized with the server and the
To access the servers, you will need a secure shell
) terminal. In Linux, you only need to open a
Terminal or Konsole program and type the ssh
command like
ssh <username>
where you replace <username>
with your account
name. All registered students will be emailed an account and password
during the first week of the course. At present, there is one compute
server available:
In addition to the miranda server, you should be able to complete most of your assignments in the ECE Linux Lab. The Linux Lab computers are accessed using your A-number and campus password. You can login remotely at these addresses:
Since these servers are on a protected network, you will need to be either on campus (e.g. in a computer lab, dorm room or other campus location), or you need to connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) before attempting to access these servers.
On some versions of Windows, you should be able to access the “Linux subsystem” or install “Ubuntu for Windows” or “Cygwin” environment to provide a Linux-like terminal program. Alternately you can use a dedicated Windows-based terminal program like PuTTY.
Once you start working on the server, you will probably want to keep
your session active even if you need to leave for a while or your
connection drops. You can do this using the tmux
command or
the GNU screen
command. Newer distributions generally
provide the tmux
command, so we will use it for this
After logging into a server, run
tmux a
This tries to attach to an existing session. If it answers
no session
, then just run tmux
without the
option to create a new session.
The tmux
session runs independently of your network
connection. To leave the session, type Ctrl-b d
detatch from the session. You can re-attach to it later
by running tmux a
again. This is especially useful for
running long compile jobs, or for maintaining a long-term work session.
It’s also good if you lose your network connection, the session will
still be there and you shouldn’t lose any work.
If you are using a Windows computer with sufficient free disk space, you can setup the Cygwin environment following instructions provided in a separate document. You will need to create your own Xilinx account and install Vivado on your own. There are not usually any problems in the Vivado or Cygwin install processes, but they can be quite time consuming and take a lot disk space and memory.
You can use the Linux Lab computers which already have Xilinx tools
and git
installed. You can use these machines on-site or
ServerFor this course, we maintain a private git
server at
. The git server is different from
the compute server, but your username and password are the
same. (Note that if you change your password on the compute server, it
is NOT changed on the git server).
First, open a terminal program. Then decide whether
you want to work on your personal machine or on the server. If working
on the server, use ssh
to access it. You will probably want
to use the same server throughout the semester, however you can change
at any time by repeating this step to establish a new clone:
git clone https://<username>:<password><username>/3700
Replace <username>
with your account name and
. Next, navigate into the newly created
directory, and run this command to define the
git remote add upstream https://<username>:<password>
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
This will bring your fork up to date with the instructor’s public repository.
Each time you sit down to do work for ECE 3700, you should run these commands:
git pull origin main
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
This will synchronize any updates from the instructor.
After making significant changes to your clone, you should synchronize them with the server using these commands:
git commit -a -m "<description of changes>"
git push origin main
Any time you create a file you should
it to the repository:
git add <filename>
You can check the status of all files in a directory by running
git status .
It’s okay to have some un-tracked files in your clone. Make sure to
add all source files (*.v
, *.xdc
), and
bitstream files (*.bit
) since the instructor will need to
see them.
If you need to move or delete
tracked files, you should do so using the git
FILES. You can use ordinary mv
and rm
commands for untracked files, but for tracked files use these:
git mv <old filename> <new filename>
git rm <filename>
There are two ways to program the board.
If you have Vivado installed on your computer, you can use the Hardware Manager to connect to your Basys3 device and program it with the compiled bitstream device. The procedure for this is the same as used in ECE 2700 and should work in the EL103 lab.
If you create a bitstream file remotely, you can copy the bitstream
file onto a USB thumbdrive. There should be only one
file on the thumbdrive. With the Basys3
powered OFF, plug the thumbdrive into the USB port on the upper right
side of the board (north of the pushbuttons). Next to the USB port is a
jumper labeled J1
with three settings: JTAG, QSPI, and USB.
Move the jumper to the USB setting, then turn ON the Basys3 power. It
will take a few seconds to load the bitstream onto the board.
You have the option to implement the bitstream file on the server, then transfer it to your local computer. In order to program the board, you only need to have the Vivado Lab Edition, a much quicker installation than the full Vivado product. The Lab Edition includes the Hardware Manager, which is a little more convenient than USB programming.
When you need help from the instructor or TA, navigate to the
directory where you need help and create a text file called
. Type a detailed description of your
problem and save the file. Then add it to the repository:
git add help
git commit . -m "Requesting help"
git push origin main
You can separately notify a TA or instructor about your help request,
then they can sync your repository and read the details in your
file. The instructor/TA will write comments in the
file, and the TA/instructor may edit files within your
design. To retrieve updates, pull from the server:
git pull origin main
If the instructor has handled your question, you should see updates
in the help
file and possibly other files if they were
involved in the help request.
You can always contact the instructor via Canvas message, but
technical issues are handled more effectively using git
with help
files. I recommend carefully documenting
your problem in the help
file before reaching out to the
instructor or TA.