FLUENT Verification ProjectRegular Team Meeting
Present in SLC: Chris M, Chris W, Zhen
via Teleconf: Curtis
[]Synchronous circuit model: need to decide on a delay model]Precisely determine delay of each module ("metric timing")[]Open delay model, anything can happen at any time, no timing guarantees[]Ordered delay model (or "relative timing")- Speed-independent or delay insensitive
In Verilog, the model is effectively either metric or relative timing model. Need to capture this in the translation from Verilog into PRISM. PRISM has no assumption about delay, so the model needs to incorporate the idea of the "epsilon delay". Perhaps use an intermediate variable.Need an auxiliary "evaluate/execute" state variable. There could also be
Verilog->SPIN tool; there is a
Verilog2SMV translator which comes in Cadence. (SMV has purportedly poor documentation). In SPIN you can specify sequential processes.
Is synchronous digital hardware a natural fit for Markov models?Could use a CTMC with long/short delays to separate the "fast" (combinational) vs "slow" (clocked) processes. Could be done with no labels. Could model the register as explicit master/slave events.[
]Domino model: need three states for each domino: up, down, and "falling". Successive "decisions" can only be evaluated in the "falling" state, otherwise they are static. Change in domino K+1 can only occur after a change in its sensitivity list, i.e. domino K.[]Discussed student recruiting and work plans[
]Should transition stochastic computing models into github so that there are reportable artifacts.[]Look into asynchronous (P)RBS sources and stochastic computing models (fresh idea for ASYNC conference?)[
]Try some async error correction models[]Basic case example goals:
[]Scalable models that can be coded in PRISM[]Models that fail in PRISM at scale but succeed in STAMINA[]Models that are sparse in their state probability concentration (a relatively small number of states comprises nearly all of the probability)
Summer Meeting
[]Want to shift to August. UofU classes start Aug 24, USU on Aug 31. UofU retreat on Aug 19, so tentative date for the event is Aug 14--18. Workshop on 17-18.[]Need to get moving on recruitment and advertising.[]How many students to target? How to identify them?- Focus on local students to avoid housing, transport and food costs