for loops in Verilog

For Loops in Verilog

A for loop in Verilog is similar to the for loop in C. Most often a Verilog loop is used for combinational logic, comprised of blocking assignments (= as opposed to <=). A simple example is given in src/add_bits.v, which computes the sum over all bits in a vector:

   always @(a) begin
      q = 0;

      for (idx=0; idx<8; idx=idx+1) begin
          q = q + a[idx];

The lines in this block are evaluated sequentially, one after the other. Imagine the successive evaluations laid out like dominos. Although they are evaluated in sequence, the whole sequence must complete – every domino must fall – before the next clock cycle arrives. After synthesis, the circuit looks like a lineup of combinational adders:

 0 -->[+]-->[+]-->[+]-->[+]-->[+]-->[+]-->[+]-->[+]--> q 
       ^     ^     ^     ^     ^     ^     ^     ^   
       |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |    
      a[0]  a[1]  a[2]  a[3]  a[4]  a[5]  a[6]  a[7]  

Assigned Tasks

Create a top module to contain add_bits as a submodule instance. In the top module, do the following:

A testbench template is provided in src/testbench.v. Modify the testbench to test your top module. Specifically, you need to declare a wire for q, instantiate top, connect its ports, and make additional $write and $fwrite statements to report q in the log text. Simulate your design to verify that q is correct for several random values of a.

When verified, create an XDC file (use Basys3_Master.xdc as a template) and map a to the lower (right-most) switches, load to btnU, and q to the lower 4 led signals. Edit build.tcl as needed, then implement the design.

Open the timing report and note the WNS.

Program your design onto the Basys3 board and test the following cases:

  1. a = 8'b0000_0001
  2. a = 8'b0101_0101
  3. a = 8'b1111_1111

Save a photo of your board for each test case, with filenames case1, case2, and case3. Save the photo files with the appropriate graphics file suffix (.png, .jpg, etc).

Turn in your work using git:

git add case* src/*.v *.rpt *.txt *.tcl *.bit *.xdc
git commit . -m "Complete"
git push origin main

Indicate on Canvas that your assignment is done.