SPICE 1: Basics of Circuit Simulation

ECE 3410, Utah State University

What is SPICE?

SPICE “flavors”

Berkeley SPICE is a free open-source product. Over the years it was forked into numerous versions, called “flavors”, that mostly work the same way as the original SPICE simulator. Most SPICE flavors use the original SPICE source code as a foundation.

Some popular commercial SPICE flavors:

Some popular open-source SPICE flavors:

Obtaining the Assignments

We assume you will use a Linux computer with both git and ngspice installed. Launch a terminal window and clone your spice assignment repository:

git clone https://[username:password]@left.engr.usu.edu/git/username/spice_assignments

This command should download assignment files to your computer in a folder called spice_assignments. Now navigate to the first assignment:

cd spice_assignments/spice1

and do a directory listing:


SPICE project structure

In this class we will separate our files into three categories:

File and Directory Organization

Each lab assignment has a specific file structure designed to keep things organized:

  +- assignment_name/
      +- netlists/           for netlist files
      +- tests/              for testbench files
      +- models/             for model files
      +- plots/              for saving plot outputs
      +- data/               for saving output data
      +- figures/            for images, schematics, etc
      +- report/             for your lab report
      - .spiceinit           ngspice settings (hidden file)
      - assignment_name.html instructions

SPICE language files

Every SPICE file shall have:

SPICE netlist syntax

A netlist contains one or more component instances (Voltage sources, Resistors, etc), their node labels, and their parameters.

* Circuit 1

Vin nin  gnd  DC 5V

R1  nin  nout 100k
R2  nout gnd  10k

Schematic, node names are indicated in blue.


A component instance is a line beginning with an instance name. The instance name begins with the type letter, for example a voltage source must start with the letter V. For other devices, instance names begin with familiar letters:

Letter Component Type
V Independent Voltage Source
I Independent Current Source
R Resistor
C Capacitor
L Inductor
D Diode

Every instance must begin with a unique name, followed by a node list, and the line finishes with parameters for the component.

Node Labels

When a component is instantiated, node labels are implicitly declared in the component’s node list. Any nodes with the same label are connected together. SPICE is NOT case sensitive, so node labels are not distinguished by upper or lower case.

A netlist must assign a unique label to each node in the circuit. A node label can be any non-reserved alphanumeric string. My preferred convention is to start every node label with the letter n, to keep node labels distinct from component names and other identifiers.

GROUND node: every netlist must indicate a ground node, labeled as the number 0 or the name gnd.

Component: DC Voltage Source

For example, the voltage source named Vin is instantiated by the line

Vin nin gnd DC 5V

The component name starts with V because it is an independent voltage source, its node list is nin (positive terminal) and 0 (negative terminal), and its parameters are DC 5V.

Component: AC Voltage Source

A voltage source can also be prepared for AC signal analysis (i.e. Bode plots). In most instances we set the AC magnitude to 1.

Vin nin gnd AC 1

Component: Sinusoidal Voltage Source

A voltage source can also be prepared for transient simulation by specifying

Vname npos nneg SIN(offset amplitude frequency)


Vin nin gnd SIN(5V 1V 1kHz)

Exercise 1: AC+DC+SIN Voltage Source

We can combine DC. AC and sinusoidal parameters in the same declaration, to support multiple types of simulation. In this example, a single long line is “continued” by using the + symbol on successive lines. Edit circuit1.sp to match the lines shown below.

Vin nin gnd DC 5V
+ AC 1
+ SIN(5V 1V 1kHz)

Component: Resistor

The next two lines place the resistors.

R1 nin  nout 100k
R2 nout gnd  10k

Exercise 2: Capacitor

A capaitor instance is much the same as a resistor.

Edit circuit1.sp to add a 100nF capacitor C1 in parallel with resistor R2.

C1 nout gnd 100nF

About Units

SPICE allows SI units with engineering prefixes, e.g. kHz for “kilo Hertz”, ms for “milli seconds”, and so on. Since the SPICE language is not case sensitive, there is no difference between M and m, so both of those mean “milli”. To express “Mega”, you have to type out MEG.

prefix meaning scale prefix meaning scale
f femto 10−15
p pico 10−12 T tera 1012
n nano 10−9 G giga 109
u micro 10−6 Meg mega 106
m milli 10−3 k kilo 103

After the scale letter, you can specify physical units (do not include any space between the scale and the unit). You can write MegOhm for “mega Ohms”, uF for “micro Farads” and so on. Physical units are not mandatory, but they can help readability.

Exercise 3: Running ngspice

To simulate circuit1.sp, run the ngspice application from within the terminal. Important: always run ngspice from the assignment directory. Since this is assignment “spice1”, you should position your terminal in the spice1/ directory before launching ngspice. This is because ngspice application settings are defined in a hidden file within the spice1/ directory, and the application won’t find those settings if you launch it elsewhere.

This will launch the ngspice interactive interpreter:

ngspice netlists/circuit1.sp | tee -a log.txt

Make sure to include | tee -a log.txt so that your session will be recorded in a text file for grading. The | or “pipe” symbol is in the upper right part of the keyboard, obtained by typing shift-backslash, i.e. SHIFT+\.

In the next few slides we will describe some of the common simulation commands. Please run each of these commands from within the ngspice interpreter.

Command: listing

At the ngspice prompt, you can run the listing command to see the current circuit being simulated.

ngspice 12 -> listing
      * circuit 1

  2 : .global gnd
  3 : vin nin 0 dc 5v ac 1 sin(1 1 1k)
  4 : r1 nin nout 100k
  5 : r2 nout 0 10k
  6 : c1 nout 0 100nf
  7 : .end

You may notice that ngspice adds or modifies some lines when loading them into memory, like:

Simulation Command: op

To run an operating point simulation, use the op command. This computes the circuit’s DC solution.

ngspice 6 -> op
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000

No. of Data Rows : 1

Command: display

To see the circuit’s nodes and branches, use the display command:

ngspice 7 -> display
Here are the vectors currently active:

Title: * circuit 1
Name: op2 (Operating Point)
Date: Mon Dec 19 10:49:29  2022

    nin                 : voltage, real, 1 long [default scale]
    nout                : voltage, real, 1 long
    vin#branch          : current, real, 1 long

Usually branch currents are saved only for voltage sources, in this case the only voltage source is vin.

Command: print all

To see the actual values of the node voltages and branch currents, you can use the print command:

ngspice 14 -> print all
nin = 5.000000e+00
nout = 4.545455e-01
vin#branch = -4.54545e-05

Note that branch currents are usually reported with negative values, since they flow “up” through the voltage source.

Command: print v(node)

To see the values for one or more specific nodes or branches, you can specify them when calling the print command.

ngspice 15 -> print v(nin) v(nout)
v(nin) = 5.000000e+00
v(nout) = 4.545455e-01

Command: print i(vsource)

You can print the branch current through a voltage source:

ngspice 26 -> print -i(vin)
-i(vin) = 4.545455e-05

Mathematical expressions are also permitted, in this case a minus sign is applied so that the current is reported as positive.

Simulation Command: dc

One of the most powerful capabilities of SPICE is the DC Sweep. In essence, this command repeats the op simulation while adjusting the value of some component parameter. The syntax is:

dc name start stop step

For example, we can step Vin from 0V to 5V in steps of 1V:

ngspice 28 -> dc vin 0 5 1
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000

No. of Data Rows : 6

Simulation: DC Sweep of Resistor Value

The dc command can be used to sweep any component parameter. Here we try varying a resistor:

ngspice 32 -> dc r1 1k 10k 1k
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000

No. of Data Rows : 10

Command: plot (for desktop interfaces)

SPICE is also capable of graphical plotting. In place of the print command, you can say plot.

ngspice 35 -> plot v(nin) v(nout)

You will see a plot window appear:

NOTE: the plot command will not work if you are accessing ngspice on a remote server. For that you can use the hardcopy command, discussed later.

plot title and axis labels

You can add more plot settings after the plot command, for example:

plot v(nin) v(nout) title 'Resistor Sweep' xlabel 'R1' ylabel 'Voltages'

Command: hardcopy (for terminal interfaces and reports)

The hardcopy command saves a plot in a graphics file. The command syntax is mostly the same as plot, except you must provide a filename, like this:

ngspice 2 -> hardcopy plots/circuit1_dc.svg v(nin) v(nout)

The file "plots/circuit1_dc.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format.

Our default graphics format is SVG. As a rule, save plots in the plots/ subdirectory and give them descriptive names.

Using hardcopy for remote access

Simulation Command: ac

The ac command is used to simulate frequency response and make Bode plots.

ac lin|dec|oct pointsPerInterval startFrequency endFrequency  

The first argument specifies the type of frequency stepping:

The most typical choice is dec, with 10 points per decade. For our circuit, let’s simulate from 1Hz up to 10kHz:

ac dec 10 1Hz 10kHz

Frequency Response: vdb and phase

After running an AC simulation, you can report the magnitude and phase response:

print vdb(nout) phase(nout)

This command prints numerical values, with vout in dB and the phase in radians. To see the phase in degrees, you need to scale it:

print  vdb(nout)  (180/PI)*phase(nout)

The vdb and phase functions also work with the plot and hardcopy commands:

plot vdb(nout)
plot (180/PI)*phase(nout)

Simulation Command: tran

To run a transient (time domain) simulation, use the tran command:

tran [stop time] [time step]

Since our input signal is periodic with a 1ms period, it makes sense to simulate for a few periods, say 10ms, with a time step equal to some fraction of the period, say 100us.

tran 10ms 100us
plot v(nin) v(nout)

Command: quit

Close the ngspice application using the quit command, then open the circuit1.sp netlist in a text editor of your choice.

Exercise 4: Create an AC Testbench

Now create a file called tests/circuit1_ac.sp and enter these lines:

* AC Testbench for circuit1

.include netlists/circuit1.sp

  ac dec 10 1 10Meg
  hardcopy plots/circuit1_ac_magnitude.svg vdb(nout)
  hardcopy plots/circuit1_ac_phase.svg (180/PI)*phase(nout)
  plot vdb(nout)
  plot (180/PI)*phase(nout)

This testbench shows a few new things: * The .input command is used to load lines from another file. In this case the file is the netlist, circuit1.sp. * The .control and .endc keywords indicate a script to automate the interactive commands. * The ac command is used to run an AC simulation. * The vdb() function is used to compute the Bode magnitude response. * The phase() function is used to compute the Bode phase response.

Run the AC Testbench

To run the testbench, load it as the netlist in NGspice:

ngspice tests/circuit1_ac.sp | tee -a log.txt

View the results and VERIFY that the signal plots look like they should.

Exercise 5: AC Measurements

The SPICE measure command supports a variety of automated measurements. After an AC simulation, you can measure things like the peak magnitude and the cutoff frequency.

Add the lines below after the ac command in your AC testbench, then run the simulation. Verify, using hand calculations, that the results are correct for this circuit.

meas ac vomax MAX vdb(nout)
let vdrop=vomax-3
meas ac f3db WHEN vdb(nout)=vdrop CROSS=1 

The following slides dissect the meaning of these lines.

Variables in NGSpice

All SPICE simulators support variables. In NGSpice, a variable is declared and defined by using the let command:

let <name>=<expression>

Once a variable is defined, it can be referenced in expressions the same way you would use a variable in a typical programming language.

MEAS commands

The general syntax of a MEAS command is:

meas <ac|dc|tran> <varName> <measurement> <arguments>

Common AC Measurements

let freq=1Meg
meas ac vmag FIND vdb(nout) AT=freq
let vmag=-23.8
meas ac freq WHEN vdb(nout)=vmag
* Find the FIRST crossing:
meas ac fmin WHEN vdb(nout)=vmag CROSS=1

This syntax is useful when a signal will cross multiple times, as in a band-pass filter circuit.

Exercise 6: Create and Run a Transient Testbench

Now create a file called tests/circuit1_tran.sp, and enter the lines shown below, then run it and VERIFY that the result is correct.

* Transient Testbench for circuit1

.include netlists/circuit1.sp

  tran 100u 10m
  hardcopy plots/circuit1_transient.svg v(nin) v(nout)
  plot v(nin) v(nout)

Run the simulation:

ngspice tests/circuit1_tran.sp | tee -a log.txt

Exercise 7: Transient Measurements

Now let’s measure the signal amplitudes and use them to calculate the signal gain at the simulated frequency. The lines below measure the peak-to-peak amplitude of the input, then for the output, then calculate their ratio to obtain the gain. The measurement is limited to the time-window specified by the from and to arguments.

Add these lines after the transient simulation in your testbench:

meas tran vipp PP v(nin) from=0s to=2ms
meas tran vopp PP v(nout) from=0s to=2ms

let gain=vopp/vipp
print gain

Common Transient Measurements

meas tran <varname> PP <signal> from=<startTime> to=<endTime>
meas tran <varname> PP <signal> from=<startTime> to=<endTime>
meas tran <varname> DERIVATIVE <signal> AT=<time>

Exercise 8: Create and Run a DC Testbench

Now create a file called tests/circuit1_dc.sp, and enter the lines shown below, then run it and VERIFY that the result is correct.

* DC Testbench for circuit1

.include netlists/circuit1.sp

  dc vin 0 5 0.5
  hardcopy plots/circuit1_dc.svg v(nout)
  plot v(nout)

Run the simulation:

ngspice tests/circuit1_dc.sp | tee -a log.txt

Exercise 9: DC Measurements

The lines below measure the maximum and minimum output voltages obtained by the DC sweep. The results are printed using the echo command. Add these lines and run the simulation.

meas dc vmax MAX v(nout) 
meas dc vmin MIN v(nout) 

echo "Vout ranges from $&vmin up to $&vmax ."

Using echo to Print Numerical Data

The SPICE print command is used to print numerical data, as in:

print vmin vmax

The echo command is used to print strings, like

echo "This is a string."

You can convert variables to strings using the $& prefix:

echo "This is a string with vmax=$&vmax"

Summary of Exercises

  1. AC+DC+SIN Voltage Source (edit netlists/circuit1.sp)
  2. Capacitor (edit netlists/circuit1.sp)
  3. Running ngspice (use tee to create log.txt and try the commands indicated in these slides)
  4. Create an AC Testbench (create tests/circuit1_ac.sp)
  5. AC Measurements (add measurements to tests/circuit1_ac.sp)
  6. Create and Run a Transient Testbench (create tests/circuit1_tran.sp)
  7. Transient Measurements (add measurements to tests/circuit1_tran.sp)
  8. Create and Run a DC Testbench (create tests/circuit1_dc.sp)
  9. DC Measurements (add measurements to tests/circuit1_dc.sp)

Turning in your work

The preferred way to turn in your work is to use git. From the Linux terminal:

git add *
git commit -a -m "Submitting SPICE 1 assignment"
git push origin master

Alternatively you can upload a ZIP file to Canvas containing all your assignment files.