****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * circuit 1 [?2004hngspice 7 -> lidyqstinhgg [?2004l * circuit 1 2 : .global gnd 3 : vin nin 0 dc 5v ac 1 sin(5v 1v 1khz) 4 : r1 nin nout 100k 5 : r2 nout 0 10k 6 : c1 nout 0 100nf 7 : .end [?2004hngspice 8 -> op [?2004l Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 1 [?2004hngspice 9 -> displauy [?2004l Here are the vectors currently active: Title: * circuit 1 Name: op1 (Operating Point) Date: Fri Jan 26 10:00:17 2024 nin : voltage, real, 1 long [default scale] nout : voltage, real, 1 long vin#branch : current, real, 1 long [?2004hngspice 10 -> [print all [?2004l nin = 5.000000e+00 nout = 4.545455e-01 vin#branch = -4.54545e-05 [?2004hngspice 11 -> print b(v(nin) v(nout) [?2004l v(nin) = 5.000000e+00 v(nout) = 4.545455e-01 [?2004hngspice 12 -> print v(nin) v(nout)[1@b[1@n[1@c[1@v[1@-[1@i [?2004l -i(vin) = 4.545455e-05 [?2004hngspice 13 -> dc bin=vin 0 65 1 [?2004l Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 6 [?2004hngspice 14 -> print v(nin) v(nout) [?2004l * circuit 1 DC transfer characteristic Fri Jan 26 10:01:33 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index v-sweep v(nin) v(nout) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 9.090909e-02 2 2.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 1.818182e-01 3 3.000000e+00 3.000000e+00 2.727273e-01 4 4.000000e+00 4.000000e+00 3.636364e-01 5 5.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 4.545455e-01 [?2004hngspice 15 -> dc r1 1k 10k 1k [?2004l Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 10 [?2004hngspice 16 -> dc r1 1k 10k 1kprint v(nin) v(nout) [?2004l * circuit 1 DC transfer characteristic Fri Jan 26 10:02:05 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index res-sweep v(nin) v(nout) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 4.545455e+00 1 2.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 4.166667e+00 2 3.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 3.846154e+00 3 4.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 3.571429e+00 4 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 3.333333e+00 5 6.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 3.125000e+00 6 7.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 2.941176e+00 7 8.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 2.777778e+00 8 9.000000e+03 5.000000e+00 2.631579e+00 9 1.000000e+04 5.000000e+00 2.500000e+00 [?2004hngspice 17 -> print v(nin) v(nout)[1@l[1@o[1@t [?2004l [?2004hngspice 18 -> plot v(nin) v(nout) title 'Resistor Sweep' xlabel 'R1' ylabel 'Voltages' title 'Resistor Sweep' xlabel 'R1' ylabel 'Voltages' [?2004l [?2004hngspice 19 -> plot v(nin) v(nout) title 'Resistor Sweep' xlabel 'R1' ylabel 'Voltages' [1@h[1@a[1@r[1@d[1@c[1@o[1@p[1@y[1@ [1@p[1@l[1@o[1@t[1@s[1@/[1@c[1@i[1@r[1@c[1@u[1@i[1@t[1@1[1@_[1@d[1@c[1@.[1@s[1@v[1@h[1@g [?2004l The file "plots/circuit1_dc.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 20 -> ac dec 10 1Hz 10kHz ac dec 10 1Hz 10kHz [?2004l Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 41 [?2004hngspice 21 -> print vdb(nout) phase(nout) print vdb(nout) phase(nout) [?2004l * circuit 1 AC Analysis Fri Jan 26 10:03:19 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index frequency vdb(nout) phase(nout) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1.000000e+00 -2.08280e+01 -5.71192e-03 1 1.258925e+00 -2.08281e+01 -7.19084e-03 2 1.584893e+00 -2.08282e+01 -9.05264e-03 3 1.995262e+00 -2.08284e+01 -1.13964e-02 4 2.511886e+00 -2.08287e+01 -1.43469e-02 5 3.162278e+00 -2.08293e+01 -1.80609e-02 6 3.981072e+00 -2.08301e+01 -2.27359e-02 7 5.011872e+00 -2.08314e+01 -2.86199e-02 8 6.309573e+00 -2.08335e+01 -3.60246e-02 9 7.943282e+00 -2.08368e+01 -4.53408e-02 10 1.000000e+01 -2.08420e+01 -5.70579e-02 11 1.258925e+01 -2.08503e+01 -7.17861e-02 12 1.584893e+01 -2.08633e+01 -9.02828e-02 13 1.995262e+01 -2.08839e+01 -1.13479e-01 14 2.511886e+01 -2.09164e+01 -1.42506e-01 15 3.162278e+01 -2.09673e+01 -1.78702e-01 16 3.981072e+01 -2.10468e+01 -2.23596e-01 17 5.011872e+01 -2.11699e+01 -2.78820e-01 18 6.309573e+01 -2.13582e+01 -3.45911e-01 19 7.943282e+01 -2.16408e+01 -4.25943e-01 20 1.000000e+02 -2.20542e+01 -5.18973e-01 21 1.258925e+02 -2.26380e+01 -6.23428e-01 22 1.584893e+02 -2.34275e+01 -7.35729e-01 23 1.995262e+02 -2.44430e+01 -8.50591e-01 24 2.511886e+02 -2.56831e+01 -9.62108e-01 25 3.162278e+02 -2.71247e+01 -1.06518e+00 26 3.981072e+02 -2.87314e+01 -1.15649e+00 27 5.011872e+02 -3.04636e+01 -1.23474e+00 28 6.309573e+02 -3.22857e+01 -1.30014e+00 29 7.943282e+02 -3.41696e+01 -1.35386e+00 30 1.000000e+03 -3.60947e+01 -1.39748e+00 31 1.258925e+03 -3.80468e+01 -1.43262e+00 32 1.584893e+03 -4.00163e+01 -1.46078e+00 33 1.995262e+03 -4.19969e+01 -1.48328e+00 34 2.511886e+03 -4.39846e+01 -1.50121e+00 35 3.162278e+03 -4.59769e+01 -1.51549e+00 36 3.981072e+03 -4.79720e+01 -1.52685e+00 37 5.011872e+03 -4.99689e+01 -1.53588e+00 38 6.309573e+03 -5.19669e+01 -1.54306e+00 39 7.943282e+03 -5.39657e+01 -1.54876e+00 40 1.000000e+04 -5.59649e+01 -1.55329e+00 [?2004hngspice 22 -> print vdb(nout) (180/PI)*phase(nout) print vdb(nout) (180/PI)*phase(nout) [?2004l * circuit 1 AC Analysis Fri Jan 26 10:03:19 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index frequency vdb(nout) (180/PI)*phase( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1.000000e+00 -2.08280e+01 -3.27269e-01 1 1.258925e+00 -2.08281e+01 -4.12005e-01 2 1.584893e+00 -2.08282e+01 -5.18678e-01 3 1.995262e+00 -2.08284e+01 -6.52967e-01 4 2.511886e+00 -2.08287e+01 -8.22016e-01 5 3.162278e+00 -2.08293e+01 -1.03481e+00 6 3.981072e+00 -2.08301e+01 -1.30267e+00 7 5.011872e+00 -2.08314e+01 -1.63980e+00 8 6.309573e+00 -2.08335e+01 -2.06406e+00 9 7.943282e+00 -2.08368e+01 -2.59784e+00 10 1.000000e+01 -2.08420e+01 -3.26917e+00 11 1.258925e+01 -2.08503e+01 -4.11304e+00 12 1.584893e+01 -2.08633e+01 -5.17282e+00 13 1.995262e+01 -2.08839e+01 -6.50190e+00 14 2.511886e+01 -2.09164e+01 -8.16500e+00 15 3.162278e+01 -2.09673e+01 -1.02389e+01 16 3.981072e+01 -2.10468e+01 -1.28111e+01 17 5.011872e+01 -2.11699e+01 -1.59752e+01 18 6.309573e+01 -2.13582e+01 -1.98193e+01 19 7.943282e+01 -2.16408e+01 -2.44047e+01 20 1.000000e+02 -2.20542e+01 -2.97350e+01 21 1.258925e+02 -2.26380e+01 -3.57198e+01 22 1.584893e+02 -2.34275e+01 -4.21542e+01 23 1.995262e+02 -2.44430e+01 -4.87353e+01 24 2.511886e+02 -2.56831e+01 -5.51247e+01 25 3.162278e+02 -2.71247e+01 -6.10302e+01 26 3.981072e+02 -2.87314e+01 -6.62622e+01 27 5.011872e+02 -3.04636e+01 -7.07451e+01 28 6.309573e+02 -3.22857e+01 -7.44924e+01 29 7.943282e+02 -3.41696e+01 -7.75707e+01 30 1.000000e+03 -3.60947e+01 -8.00698e+01 31 1.258925e+03 -3.80468e+01 -8.20830e+01 32 1.584893e+03 -4.00163e+01 -8.36965e+01 33 1.995262e+03 -4.19969e+01 -8.49855e+01 34 2.511886e+03 -4.39846e+01 -8.60131e+01 35 3.162278e+03 -4.59769e+01 -8.68312e+01 36 3.981072e+03 -4.79720e+01 -8.74820e+01 37 5.011872e+03 -4.99689e+01 -8.79994e+01 38 6.309573e+03 -5.19669e+01 -8.84106e+01 39 7.943282e+03 -5.39657e+01 -8.87374e+01 40 1.000000e+04 -5.59649e+01 -8.89970e+01 [?2004hngspice 23 -> plot vdb(nout)plot vdb(nout) [?2004l [?2004hngspice 24 -> plot (180/PI)*phase(nout) plot (180/PI)*phase(nout) [?2004l [?2004hngspice 25 -> tran 10ms 100ustran 10ms 100us [?2004l Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Initial Transient Solution -------------------------- Node Voltage ---- ------- nin 5 nout 0.454545 vin#branch -4.54545e-05 No. of Data Rows : 59 [?2004hngspice 26 -> plot v(nin) v(nout) plot v(nin) v(nout) [?2004l [?2004hngspice 27 -> quit [?2004l ngspice-41 done ****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * ac testbench for circuit 1 Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 71 The file "plots/circuit1_ac_magnitude.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. The file "plots/circuit1_ac_phase.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 27 -> quit [?2004l ngspice-41 done ****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * ac testbench for circuit 1 Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 71 vomax = -2.082800e+01 at= 1.000000e+00 f3db = 1.746733e+02 The file "plots/circuit1_ac_magnitude.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. The file "plots/circuit1_ac_phase.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 27 -> qiotyuit [?2004l ngspice-41 done ****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * transient testbench for circuit 1 Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Initial Transient Solution -------------------------- Node Voltage ---- ------- nin 5 nout 0.454545 vin#branch -4.54545e-05 No. of Data Rows : 108 The file "plots/circuit1_transient.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 27 -> quit [?2004l ngspice-41 done ****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * transient testbench for circuit 1 Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Initial Transient Solution -------------------------- Node Voltage ---- ------- nin 5 nout 0.454545 vin#branch -4.54545e-05 No. of Data Rows : 108 vipp = 1.980923e+00 from= 0.000000e+00 to= 2.000000e-03 vopp = 3.675691e-02 from= 0.000000e+00 to= 2.000000e-03 gain = 1.855545e-02 The file "plots/circuit1_transient.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 27 -> quit [?2004l ngspice-41 done ****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * dc testbench for circuit1 Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 11 The file "plots/circuit1_dc.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 27 -> quit [?2004l ngspice-41 done ****** ** ngspice-41 : Circuit level simulation program ** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group ** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California. ** Copyright 2001-2023, The ngspice team. ** Please get your ngspice manual from https://ngspice.sourceforge.io/docs.html ** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html ** Creation Date: Tue Dec 19 05:18:43 UTC 2023 ****** Note: No compatibility mode selected! Circuit: * dc testbench for circuit1 Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 No. of Data Rows : 11 vmax = 4.545455e-01 at= 5.000000e+00 vmin = 0.000000e+00 at= 0.000000e+00 Vout ranges from 0 up to 0.454546 . The file "plots/circuit1_dc.svg" has the Scalable Vector Graphics format. [?2004hngspice 27 -> quit [?2004l ngspice-41 done